Our approach: ” Safety First No Compromise “
Our SZCC VISION ZERO approach articulates Safety as a fundamental element.
The safety of our people and the communities in which we operate always comes first. Our working environments by their nature expose our employees and contractors to risk. This is why our objective is to identify those risks and implement controls. Our material safety risk assessments include potential community impacts and controls to mitigate these broader impacts.
We are committed to a set of national, regional, continental and global safety priorities that continue to guide our decision-making and approach to safety. We are guide by the following seven gold rules:
This policy applies to all Sino Zimbabwe Cement Company management and employees.
Corporate SHE code of Business Conduct Management shall lead Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company in ethical ways that increasingly benefit society, the economy, and the environment while adhering to the following SHE codes of practice:
Safety Principles for Employee Conduct Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company’s Safety, Health, and Environmental Policy will achieve maximum effectiveness only if all employees maintain a consistent, positive attitude towards SHE. Therefore, all Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company employees shall conduct themselves in accordance with the following Safety Principles:
The Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company’s Safety, Health, and Environmental Policy (SHE) describes how Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company intends to conduct its business, and how employees conduct themselves in support of the company’s safety, health, and environmental policy.
Health at Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company
We recognize that Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company operations can impact the health of our employee, contractors and community. We set clear requirements with minimum mandatory controls. ISO 9001:2015 .S.H.E procedures to manage and protect the health and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and community.
Some of the harmful health risks and agents at our workplaces include exposure to musculoskeletal stressors, noise, cement dust, silica and diesel particulate matter (DPM). We manage our exposures with internally specified occupational exposure limits (OELs). Our OELs are in line with, or more stringent than, applicable regulated limits.
When setting OELs for our most material occupational health exposures, we monitor and review scientific literature; engage with regulators and OEL-setting agencies; benchmark against peers; and seek independent advice.
We conduct periodic medical surveillance to detect signs of potential illness at an early stage, and assist our people in the recovery and management of illness that is a result of exposure at our workplace.
In line with OUR VISION ZERO and our culture of care, we undertake health activities to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of our employees. This includes the provision of the following preventative health measures:
Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company is dedicated to the protection of the environment in which it operates, and believes in the right of the individual employee to work in healthy and safe conditions.
The company’s management commits itself to:
Consequently, Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company shall;
Our approach
Our approach to environmental management is based on the robust identification, assessment and control of material risks across all phases of our business.
Our environment approach
Our approach to environmental management is based on the robust identification, assessment and control of material risks across all phases of our business, from exploration to development, operation and closure. We engage with stakeholders and take their perspectives and knowledge into account in our decision making.
We aim to avoid or, where this is not possible, minimise our impacts, while contributing to lasting environmental benefits across the regions where we operate. Where unacceptable impacts remain, we focus on implementing compensatory actions to address residual impacts to the environment.
Cement donation to the community.
In addition to our direct environmental management actions, we pursue opportunities, such as conservation, to deliver lasting environmental benefits.
Our material sustainability issues
We identify and respond to material sustainability issues to successfully deliver on our Company strategy and to create value. Having regular, open and honest engagement with our stakeholders helps us to identify, understand and priorities the sustainability issues and opportunities that matter most to our stakeholders and to our business.
Avoiding environmental impacts
We are committed to our environmental obligations. These include:
• We do not explore or extract resources within the boundaries of World Heritage-listed properties.
• We do not explore or extract resources within or adjacent to the boundaries of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Protected Areas Categories I to IV, unless a plan is implemented that meets regulatory requirements, takes into account stakeholder expectations and contributes to the values for which the protected area is listed.
• We do not operate where there is a risk of direct impacts to ecosystems that could result in the extinction of an IUCN Red List Threatened Species in the wild.
• We do not dispose of mined waste rock into a river or marine environment.
Climate change
• We continue to focus on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and energy use at our operations.
SZCC accepts the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment of climate change science, which has found that warming of the climate is unequivocal, the human influence is clear and physical impacts are unavoidable.
Climate change is a global challenge that requires a collaborative market and policy response. Playing our part in responding to climate change is a priority governance and strategic issue for SZCC Our Board is actively engaged in the governance of climate change issues, supported by the Sustainability Committee. Management has primary responsibility for the design and implementation of our climate change strategy.
Our climate change strategy focuses on reducing our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, investing in low emissions technologies, promoting product stewardship, managing climate-related risk and opportunity, and working with others to enhance the global policy and market response.
Our actions on climate change.
Management cleaning the plant.
Our plant emissions discharge.
Regulatory information.
We are committed to high ethical business practices and governance standards. We provide detailed operational, environmental and community information for our local communities and key government stakeholders.
Besides being responsible to its own employees, SZCC as part of its corporate governance provides social responsibility to the local community. The assistance to the local community comes in various forms e.g.
1. Company Clinic
2. Cement Donations
3. Provision of Transport
4. Casual Employment
5. Governor’s Office
Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company is the manufacturer of consistent high quality cement. Sino-Zimbabwe manufactures and sell Portland Cement 32.5N (PC 15) , Masonry Cement 22.5X, Premium Cement 42.5R (CEM II –A–M) and Premium Cement 42.5N (OPC)
Sino-Zimbabwe Cement Company,
P O Box 2038,
Indiva Siding Gweru
+263 54 224474/5